Solar Harvest Farm Steve & Michelle Heyer Richie, Sheri & Sarah 7432 Marsh Road, Waterford, WI 53185
Phone: 262-662-5278 · Email: Website:
“If” this energy could be mined from earth-based deposits, it’s potential to create infinite wealth for a select few would far exceed that of oil and coal. This highly coveted energy would be held in ownership with patent over it’s use and dispersal. The lure of it’s wealth would be the genesis of aggression, war and annexation.
Fortunately, this energy is not earth-based and many people are free to harvest this limitless energy without condition from corporate concerns! Yet solar energy remains largely untapped. Perhaps too many of us have been misled into believing that solar energy is impractical for all but the virtuous.
What follows are practical examples demonstrating the potential to put solar energy to work for you. You will find that there are many variables and ingredients available which will allow you to harvest this ubiquitous energy which permeates your surroundings. The most important ingredient is you. If you do what you always do, you’ll get what you always get. You have to want to help yourself... To abundant energy that can help sustain you and your family.