Solar Harvest Farm Steve & Michelle Heyer Richie, Sheri & Sarah 7432 Marsh Road, Waterford, WI 53185
Phone: 262-662-5278 · Email: Website:
Call me chicken...
But I’m just not climbin’ up there! Let’s see if we can maintain this generator with both feet on the ground.
Winch & motor connected to gin poles.
Used a hand winch attached to the truck receiver hitch to pull the tower off center while letting slack out of the motor winch..
Both feet still on the ground.
Mission accomplished!
Motor winch takes
over from here.
Reverse the process going back up only this time, smoothly “catch” the weight on the truck mounted winch. This takes two people to keep the incoming and outgoing winches tight. A sudden jolt due to slop on the reel could prove dangerous.
Don’t like the complexity of this set-up? I don’t blame you. There are some very nice tilt-up kits available that eliminate the risks associated with our tilt-up pumper tower. They’re not cheap, but then again, the time it took me to build this one wasn’t cheap either. (Warning: Old waterpumper towers are designed to be vertical. They bend like tin foil in any other position. The “beef” I engineered into this one was substantial.)