Solar Harvest Farm Steve & Michelle Heyer Richie, Sheri & Sarah 7432 Marsh Road, Waterford, WI 53185
Phone: 262-662-5278 · Email: Website:
With attention given to insulation and vapor barrier, henhouses can go “cordless”, requiring zero energy inputs from any sources other than solar and intrinsic heat. Aside from the attention given during construction, there is nothing else special about these basic buildings.
Where’s the hens? On a nicer day, they’d be scattered all about the landscape. On windy, cold days such as this one, they won’t even think twice about staying inside. Until chickens evolve to have furry or feathered feet and legs, this is a reality we live with in northern climates. It’ actually quite neat to trudge through the snow in a howling wind and step into a remote, cordless henhouse full of bantering hens. Throw some fresh shavings down, take off your coat and hat and enjoy the natural warmth. Now if only they weren’t so noisy!